Tuesday, June 14, 2016

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

In the fantasy book, City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare, fifteen-year-old Clary Fray is partying at the Pandemonium Club in New York City with her best friend, Simon. There, she sees a crowd of strangely behaving, but incredibly attractive teens sneak into a storeroom. She follows them, and discovers that they're demon hunters when they kill a demon in front of her, which dissolves into the floor. Yuck. Back at home, her mother is acting all cryptic and over-protective, packing up their stuff to move away from New York City and into the country home of her best friend, Luke. Clary isn't pleased, and leaves the apartment to hang out with Simon. She finds him at a poetry reading, where she also runs into Jace, one of the demon hunters (called Shadowhunters or Nephilim). And then she receives a scary phone call from her mother that sounds like she's being attacked. Back at the apartment, Clary finds the place deserted. Except, that is, for the giant, slobbering, poisonous demon that bites her. She kills the demon by herself, but not before she's bitten and passes out. Poisoned, Clary is carried to the Institute by Jace, who introduces her to a few other Shadowhunters.
Personally, I loved this book. It fits in with the popular dystopian genre which I know a lot of people like. The characters are well developed, and the author-Cassandra Clare-does really well in helping you envision the events happening in the book. One of my favorite parts about this book however, is that it's part of a multi-book series. I love this because it gives you motivation to finish the book and keep reading the other. The sequel to this well written novel is City of Ashes, also written by Cassandra Clare. It doesn't matter if you're not a fan of this type of genre usually, this book has unexpected plot twists at every turn which guarantee to keep you on the edge of your seat. Read the book to find out what happens to Clary on her adventure to save her mother, and recover the Mortal Cup.
Sophia M.
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