Friday, June 10, 2016

Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

Cover image
   Cover image
                      Since their mothers death Carter and Sadie have been near strangers.Sadie has lived with her grandparents while Carter has traveled the world with his father the brilliant Egyptologist Dr.Julius Kane. One day on Christmas when Julius gets to see his daughter Sadie and brings his children together for a research experiment and instead he unlocks the Egyptian god Set who banishes him to oblivion and forces his kids to run for their lives. Soon,Sadie and Carter learn that the gods of Egypt are real and waking and the worst of them have been unleashed the god Set and he has his eyes set on the Kane´s.  To stop him the siblings go on a dangerous journey to stop Set across the globe that brings them closer to the truth of their family and their links to the secret order has existed since the time of the Pharaohs.
                    This is an amazing action filled book that has lots of comedy. I like The Kane Chronicles: Red Pyramid because of the fighting. I recommend this book for people who like any of Rick Riordan's such as Percy Jackson. I love the characters in the story because of what they go through and their character development and traits. This book has tons of egyptian mythology and mythic beings that will make you think and make your mind wander. The plot never stops and the plot is amazing.The settings are very well detailed and there are places you have been to in this book. I think this book is good for kids 11 and up because there is a lot that you must comprehend. This book will hook you and make you keep reading it.This is a great book that everyone should read.It is a book in a series but this is the first one.The others are Throne of Fire then The Serpents Shadow.I love this book.

                             By Josiah M.  Spicer Pd 8-9

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