Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg

     Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Then Better Off Friends, written by Elizabeth Eulberg, is the book for you! Better Off Friends is a realistic fiction story, because the events that occur can happen in real life. The book takes place in Wisconsin, which is where Levi has just moved to. On his first day at his new school, Macallan is asked to be the eleven year old boy’s tour guide and to show him around the building. They turn out to be polar opposites! Levi sits with Macallan and her friends at lunch. Him and Macallan chat the whole entire time! Later that day, Macallan’s Uncle Adam casually mentions that Wednesdays are usually busy workdays from him, Mrs. Rodgers tells him that Macallan can stay at her house on Wednesday afternoons. After hundreds of afternoons spent with one and other, Macallan and Levi instantly become best friends. As the book progresses, people start to mistaken them as a couple. Levi begins to become popular in school, catching the attention of many girls other than his best friend. Is Macallan's jealousy normal or does her unusual feelings mean something? Will Macallan and Levi's friendship be put to the test when they actually begin to develop feelings for one and other? Most importantly, are they better off friends or lovers? Check Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg out from the school library to find out!
     I like the book Better Off Friends because it has relatable characters, is very well written, and includes a lot of humor. The two main characters, Macallan and Levi, are both extremely relatable and easy to connect to. Levi loves to joke around and has a playful personality like mine. Macallan is caring and protective of her family, which I can relate to. Also, kids and adults can all connect to the romantic feelings that Macallan and Levi experience throughout this book. Better Off Friends is also very well written. I was easily able to understand the dialogue, descriptive words, and point of view. I was not at all confused while reading this story. Lastly, there is so much humor in this story! Macallan and Levi humorously joke around with each other through dialogue. Since the book switches back and forth between their point of views, there is also humor included in both sides of the stories told. Better Off Friends keeps me on the edge of my seat as I flip from one page to the next! If you're having a bad day, this book is sure to make you crack up laughing. You would not be better off without reading the book Better Off Friends!

Ava C.
Spicer - Periods 8/9

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