Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

One book that I read this year was, The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen. This realistic fiction book is about a girl named Jessica. After an accident on Jessica's trip to her track competition, her entire life changed. Jessica lost her leg and thought her life was over. She was supported by friends, family, and doctors that helped her get through the tough times. Jessica is a runner. Because her whole life is based on running, losing her life makes it clear to Jessica that her life is ruined. Jessica's school works on raising the money to get her a new leg and they believe in her and that she can run again. All that's left to do now is help Jessica believe in herself. The rest of the book will show if Jessica ever learns to believe in herself and how she helps another person accomplish something too.

One reason that I recommend this book is because it's a book that either gender could read. I know this because it is told from a girl's perspective but it's a sporty, competitive book. Also, the book shows how you can follow your dreams if you believe you can. Lastly, it shows even through struggles, you can achieve life goals. 

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