Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Gym candy

Cover image


 The book I am doing my blog on is Gym Candy by Carl Deuker. The genre of this book is realistic fiction.I know that because all of the actions and settings in this book are relatable and believable to a real life situation. There is also no textual or visual evidence of this book being a true story.  The book Gym Candy is about a boy named Mick Johnson, son of former NFL player Mike Johnson. Mick is an amazing athlete and is 100% dedicated to the sport of football. But is also pushed by his father,( who is extremely competitive, especially in football). This begins to lead to stress and bad emotional habits for mick which leads to drugs, smoking, and steroids.
                         Me personally i love this book. It includes details, visualizations, and super good descriptions.This book also lets me know how the character feels and lets me know 100% about the emotions of the character. Those assets help me know and understand what is going on in the book. If you don't like tough scenes , rough incedients, and injuries of any type, then you will not like this book. Otherwise this is an amazing book


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