Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Maniac Magee By Jerry Spinelli

The book Maniac Magee is about a boy named Jeffery Lionel. His parents were killed in a tragic accident when he was three, so he was forced to live with his Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan's house. His Aunt and Uncle hate each other, and it's never any fun in the house. So when Jeff turns eleven years old he decides to run away from his house. He runs for hundreds of miles and finds himself in a completely different state, Two Mills Pennsylvania. There he gets in many adventures, and becomes a local legend, all while looking for a new home.
       Maniac Magee is my favorite book I've read this year, and this is why. I love this book because it's always fun to read and interesting. Everytime I start reading this book I'm not bored, and I don't want to be doing something else like when I'm reading other books. Also this book reminds me of Forrest Gump which is one of my favorite movies. Overall I think you will love this book if you are looking for a book that is straightforward and fun to read.  

By Hunter M.
Ms. Spicer, period 5/6

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