Friday, June 10, 2016

I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroder

The genre to my book is novel inverse, and the main characters are Ava and Jackson. Ava was a shy, sweet, happy high school girl and Jackson was an outgoing and popular high school boy that everyone loved. Ava and Jackson were so in love, they did everything together. She couldn't ever even begin to picture what her life would be like without him in it until she had to live her life that way, without him. Suddenly Ava went from being a happy girl to a girl that couldn't sleep or get out of her room for two weeks and became very depressed. All because of the love of her life losing his life.  Jackson had a terrible accident that cost him his life and Ava world seems to be tumbling down. Two weeks after Jackson's accident, Ava finally got out of her room, while she was in her kitchen she felt him with her. She felt as if Jackson was back from the dead as a ghost because she could feel him with her. Ava and Jackson's favorite song came on out of nowhere when she asked him to show he was there with her. Since he was coming  in and out of her life, she was becoming very confused, which had caused her to not be able to move on. You have to read the book to find out how Ava handles Jackson being back as a ghost and if she finally moves on.

I would definitely recommend this book because it is an amazing love story, the passion she has for Jackson is unreal. One reason I would recommend is because it keeps you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out if she stays with her ghost boyfriend or moves on. Another reason I would recommend this book is because while her emotions are changing it is very easy to follow. Lastly I would recommend this book because it is a really good story to relate to about a loved one passing away. Over all I would recommend this amazing love story.

Nicki R.
Spicer pds. 5/6

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