Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Waves by Sharon Dogar

 In the book Waves by Sharon Dogar the main character is Hal Ditton.  Hal and his sister Charley used to tell each other everything, secrets, fears, hopes and dreams.  But there's just something you can't confide in your brother.  Well those secrets that Charley couldn't tell her brother could be the answer to what happened the night of the incident that put Charley into a coma.  Hal keeps hearing Charley's voices in his head, she talks to him and he thinks that she's trying to communticate.  Hal knows he isn't imagining this.  Hal listens to these voices as he tries to solve the mystery of why his sister is in a coma.  Is he going to solve the mystery?
       In my opinion I loved this book.  There are a few reasons why.  I love how there is flashbacks of how Hal remembers all the good time with Charley and those flashbacks also give clues to what might have happened the night of the incident.  I also love the suspense of when Hal finds out what really happened with Charley's boyfriend Pete, and Pete's ex on the night of the accident.  I was rarely confused and really enjoyed the book.

Makenzie C.
Spicer 4/6

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