Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things Not Seen

        How would you react if you were invisible and nobody could see you but you could see yourself? In Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements, a typical 13 year old boy named Bobby Phillips becomes invisible to everyone else once he got out of the shower curtain and tried to see himself in the mirror. Nobody understands Bobby's situation, not doctors, or even his own parents. But, when he goes to the library, he meets a girl named Alicia Van Dorn who is blind but understands him completely. She feels invisible just like him and Alicia becomes Bobby's very close friend. Alicia and Bobby try to investigate the problem and try to solve it so Bobby can be seen by everyone again and not be invisible. Will Bobby ever be back to normal? Read this book to find out.
           I really liked this book because of the interesting plot, the characters and how the author writes. The plot is really interesting because its very original since its not a common plot for invisibility. I  loved the characters since they had a great sense of humor and always do something you don't expect. Lastly, I think the author's style is pretty good since author clearly explained who's point of view it was and he also uses great descriptive words. I recommend this book to anyone who likes action/adventure.

                                                                                                                                 By: Rachita G Spicer 1/3

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