Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Swindle by Gordan Korman

         How would you feel if you got something stolen from you that was worth 1,000,000$!!!  Well that's how Griffin feels in the book Swindle by Gordan Korman.  Griffin sold his old Babe ruth baseball card  for one thousand dollars to a man named S. Wendall,  then he puts it in an auction and is going to be sold for over a million dollars.  Griffin knows that he was tricked and is now determined to get his card back.  That money could solve all of his problems like moving away from his best friend Micheal, and he has the perfect plan to get it back.  Griffin must assemble the perfect team to break into S. Wendell's (or Swindles) house and get the card back before it is sold at the auction.But first he will need a person to calm the guard dogs, a person to keep watch of the house, a person that can climb the house, a person that can hack into security systems, a person that can break into safes, and lastly, a man with the plan.  But Griffin finds out that it is not that easy.
         I thought this book was great book for any kid in 7th grade.  The pages weren't too long, the book wasnt't too long, and the whole book was very clear to understand. This whole book was full off suspense from the beginning when griffin must escape a crumbling building, all the way to the end when griffin and his group must break into a house with the best security in the whole town.  Also, all of the characters had interesting skills like climbing and hacking into electrical systems, and even cracking the codes to safes.This whole book was written greatly but there is only one thing I did not really understand.  Well the cover is a picture of mostly the guard, but the guard dog isn't a very important characteer in the book.  But all in all, I would rate this book 4/5stars for its action and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Jack G. Spicer 4/6

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