Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Elephant Run by Roland Smith

Elephant Run by Roland Smith is a historical fiction book during WWII. The story revolves around a boy named Nick from London. While he is in Burmese with his father, but unfortunately the Japanese army invades their country. So Nick has to herd his farm of elephants to a nearby island to avoid the war. But they didn't have much time to get away while Nick and his father were captured by the attacking Japanese soldiers.

To start with how enjoyable it is, I have to say it was pretty cool learning about their way of life. But as they got captured they story doesn't progress and keep you hanging as much as the beginning. Meaning that not much happens and you aren't even aware what is happening to the elephants due to Nick’s point of view. So you will not find the characters as interesting as they were at the start and you really wont care what happens to them next because 1/3rd of the book is them being captured. Overall I liked the jungle-WWII feel of the book, but it really looses that feel as the story gets a lot more dull and unoriginal. So I was pretty disappointed with the lack of historical taste that I learned to like.

Alex Trauger
Spicer 1-3

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