Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Brain Camp by: Susan Kim, and Laurence Klavin.

           The name of the book I blog about is called Brain Camp. This book is a graphic novel. The setting in this book takes place at a camp called Fielding Camp. In the Queens of New York were you meet Lucas. Lucas doesn't quite make the right decisions, for example the first time you meet him is when he steals a car. Then you meet Jenna who is a really nerdy, and makes up stories of elves, and fantasy creatures. But what both of there parents have in common is that they would do anything to make there child perfect. Even if it means sending them to a camp that would suck your brains out....

            Brain Camp I think is the best mix of romance, action, and suspense. But the one thing I didn't like in my book was the the graphic parts (bloody, or nasty illustrations), but if any of you like graphic. This is a thumbs up book that I think you should have. The reason that I like this book is becuase it's like a puzzle, it's not like one of those boring books that makes it easy to predict the ending,you have to actually bring together parts in the story so you can find the ending in the book. Also the one thing I liked about the ending was how it left my brain in a wow situation, and i think this book will make you think wow to, but to get this enjoy this book all you have to do is get the book.

Gavin L.
Spicer 8/9

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