Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fake ID By Walter Sorrels

Have you ever read the book Fake ID by Walter Sorrels? If you have not I recomand this book to you.
In the book, Chasity and her mother have been on the run since Chasity was a baby. Getting new identities in every new town she moves to. She doesn't know why they are running, who they are running from and worst of all who her father is. On the night of Chasitys sixteenth birthday. her mom dissappers. The police find her abandon car, blood matching her DNA, a purse with six ID cards inside. Chasity doesnt belive her mother is dead. But what she does belive is that her mom is probly on the run again. If Chasity doesnt find her mom in six days she would be put into foster care.she is chased by people she doesnt even know and is trying to kill her while looking for her mom.
In my opinion i think Fake ID was the best book i have ever read. This mystery book is filled with alot of great characters and settings.Some reasons why i love this book is the suspense it has when Chasity is out during the night looking for her mom. Another reason why i love this book is because the flashbacks that Chasity had of her mom we presious .and sweet.I would reccomand Fake ID to mostly girls, not because the main characer is a girl but because i think it would be better for a girl to connect better with the book.

Tyra .P
Spicer: 4/6

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