Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Compound by SA Bodeen

           The book i am doing my blog on is called The Compound! S.A Bodeen is the fantastic author of this science fiction book. the main character is Eli and the secondary characters are Eli's family members. It's just Eli, his sister, mom and dad. The setting is an underground place called the compound it takes place in modern day and was built by Eli's brilliant but crazy father. The compound was built to keep him and his family safe from nuclear war. The introduction is just the building of the compound and a lot of hard times between the family because they had to leave a lot of friends and relatives behind to die. The rising action is when the father won't let Eli and his mom, and sister leave after years and years in the compound and now they have to escape. The climax is when Eli sneaks into his dad's office and finds and steals the codes to the door. Now the family has to fight off the dad to get out. The falling action is when Eli and his sister and mom need to know if it's safe to open the door and go into the world for the first time in a decade. At the end, the family finally gets the door open to see the long stretch of beach to start their new life.
                                    I loved this book The Compound. In my opinion its a book boys
One reason I love this book is because it's full of action and suspense so it makes it a page turner and that's what boys would like about this book. Another reason I love this book but think this is a boys book is beacuse its about survival and the family has to eat babys they made to survive. The last reason I love this book is because it makes you feel like your in the compound sometimes and you can feel what the characters felt. An example would be, when the father was will to kill his son to stop Eli from opening the door. This book is a 4.5 out of 5 because it is alittle gross at some parts but over all its a great book. If your a boy thats in middle school or up, you should consider reading this fantastic book.                Chris B. Miss Spicer Periods 4&6              

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