Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Boy in The Striped pajamas by John Boyne

                       Young Bruno has been forced to move from his comfortable home in Berlin with his family to a bleak old house in the countryside of “Out With”, where his father has become the Commandant. "Out With" turns out to be a desolate place in the middle of no where and no place for a young adventurous boy to grow up. Bruno spends his days bored, watching the hundreds of people on the other side of the fence from his bedroom window. They all share one charatceristic, they all wear striped pajamas. As Bruno becomes more bored and lonely, with only his “hopeless case” older sister for company, he decides to go exploring.With brunos very adventurous personality he discovers the concentration camp. He wanders to the fence where he meets Shmuel, a boy his age also dressed in striped pajamas like all the others. Shmuel and Bruno create a very good friendship. Bruno brings Shmuel food and they form a great friendship. The two talk together from separate sides of the fence, but neither of them are completely aware of the horrors that surround them. Soon enough Bruno and Shmuel face a deal of great danger. 

            John Boyne writes a great book and shows that friendship can be found anywhere no matter what or where you come from. I loved this book! It kept me reading after every chapter. My favorite character is Shmuel, he shows the innocence of childhood and that all he wanted was to have a friend. I recommend this book to everyone. I think everyone should read this book. This genre is  historical fiction and one of the best historical fictions Ive ever read. The ending of this book is filled with sadness but the best book Ive read.

                                                                                Karrie F. periods 4-6
                                                                                       Ms. Spicer

1 comment:

  1. I loved that Book! I first read it in 4th grade and I have been thinking of re-reading it and I don't have one at home! I think there is one in the library.
