Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton

         Have you ever thought that your life can change in a split second? Bethany Hamilton's life was changed completely when she was surfing with her friends in Hawaii. This is an autobiography, told by Bethany Hamilton and here experience. She grew up in Hawaii, learning to surf and getting better each day. She is a great girl, and always attends her church. Bethany was about to catch a great wave, when - SNAP! A giant Great White Shark came to the surface of the water and ripped off her left arm. She was in shock, but she didn't scream or shout. Bethany lied there on her surfboard while her friends pushed here ashore. She was able to make it to the hospital and survived. The hospital used skin on her shoulder so it wouldn't bleed. The final product is on the image above. Bethany tries and tries to surf again, and she might just learn that all it takes is confidence, and help from her family. She will figure out that the key to perfection is to never give up.
         I think Soul Surfer is appropriate for readers ten and up, because it states an important message and shows a young girl's strength. I really like this book because i think it's amazing that a teenager could have such a passion for surfing that she'd do anything to surf. This book taught me so much. My opinion is that this book is the best autobiography out there. I feel this way because it taught me so much, and changed my view on things in life. In this book Bethany overcomes her fear of sharks after her attack and wants to surf again, this is an example of why she is a great role model for readers. I enjoyed this book and i hope you will also.

Ericka K.
Spicer 4/6

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