Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Last Dragon by Silvana De Mari


     Have you ever wondered about what life is like as an elf? Have you ever wondered what it is like to have lost your family, friends, and worst of all, memory.  For the main character,  Yorsh, this is all true.  He had lost his family to a flood and is all alone.  With only ragged clothes, little food, and constant rain, his life is a nightmare, until he meets a human who is with him until a hunter joins them and helps him find the last dragon.  Yorsh then takes care of it until it can fly and then takes it to free a bunch of slaves from a mean kingdom.  

     This is an awe inspiring book that will blow your mind.  The raw power of this books detail is stunning.  The book leads you to belive you drop down low in life, and then pick yourself back up and rise to the top. You will learn lots of lessons in this book so i expect a lot of thoughts if you read this book.

Donovan Davenport     Spicer 8/9

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