Monday, June 4, 2012

The Last Olympian by: Rick Riordan

What if you and your friends are depended on to save the world from an evil titan and his army? The book that I read was The Last Olympian by: Rick Riordan. In this book Percy and his friends have to stop an evil titan without the help of the Greek gods because they are out fighting a giant storm named Typhoon. During this war Percy will fight with his camp as an army. This book takes place in New York City. In New York another thing Percy has to worry about is the Empire State Building because Mount Olympus is at the top. If Kronos gets to Mount Olympus and destroys it then the gods will die. And when the gods die the world will be over run by titans.

I thought that this book was written really well because it kept me interested page by page. The first reason I loved this book was because I liked learning about Greek mythology. The second reason I loved this book was there was a whole series leading up to this book, so to understand this book you have to read the other books. The third reason I loved this book was because during the story there was no point where I got bored and wanted to give up reading. I don't usually like reading but every time I picked up this book I was excited to read it. In conclusion this book is a great read and if you like fantasy then you will like it even more.
                                                                                                                  by: Jonathan L.

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