Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Unwind Neil Shusterman

    Have you ever been bad to your parents? If you were in this book, you would never do anything bad again. For kids who are bad, they're unwound. Unwinding is for kids 13-18. What they do is they take apart every part of your body and us them for people who need them. Connor is 13 and finds out his parents are going to unwind him, so what does he do? He runs away. Lev is 13 and a Tithe, he has been planned to be unwound all his life. But, on the way to his tithing (unwinding) a crazy runaway unwind takes him hostage and runs into the forest with him. Risa is 13 and a fantastic piano player and has great potential. But, her principal tells her she's being unwound! she is very confused. On the bus on the way to being unwound, a crazy runaway unwind and a funny looking kid in his arms are running to the woods when the bus crashes trying to not hit them. Risa sees her chance to escape, and runs to the woods with them. That's when all of their paths meet and they decide to try and hide until they're 18 from being unwound. Can they stay alive? Or will they be caught trying.
   I loved this book! It kept you thinking what was going to happen next. Each chapter was a great cliffhanger and i couldn't put the book down because of the cliffhangers at each chapter. I also love the characters because i can relate a lot to them. I relate the most to Risa because she is brave and hangs around with boys mostly. Connor is a bad boy always getting in trouble at home. That's the same with me. Connor, Risa, and Lev also have to go through so much life threatening adventures which makes the book even better. It's not just them hiding in the same place the whole time. They would go to one place, then they will almost get caught or run into big trouble and have to go somewhere else leaving you guessing where they're going to end up next and if they'll make it there. This is one of my favorite books of all time and I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to read a fantastic book. It's for boys and girls. This book is full of romance, mystery, and suspense and I guarantee you won't be able to put the book down once you start reading it.

Isabel S.
Spicer 8/9


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