Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Unwind By Neal Shusterman

Unwind By:Neal Shusterman 
     Unwind is a 335 paged science fiction book that is fantastic. Unwind has three main characters named Connor, Lev, Risa. Risa is 14 years old and always does the right thing, she is an orphan. Risa plays piano but unfortunately wasn't good enough and had no purpose in the world so she was decided to be unwound. Connor on the other hand was the total opposite of Rina. Connor is failing in school and gets into fights everyday. Of course Connor was sent to get unwound. Lev was a perfect child and so into church and praying and God no one would have ever expected for him to be sent to get unwound. Now i should probably answer the question your all asking, what is being unwound? Being unwound is when these people take you into a camp and  kids who are going to be unwound are taken into this factory and a machine take their body parts and some how keeps the nerves alive. So when someone needs a new body part they give it to them and they can still move it and it works. But unwinding wouldn't had to be needed if people were donating body parts. Even when someone died people wouldn't donate the dead persons body parts. but this story is mainly about how Risa, Lev, and Connor run and try not to get unwound although unwinds run away before they get taken away Lev, Connor, and Risa's run way was so important because they shut down a major high way and shot a police man with his own taser gun.
     Unwind is my favorite book I've read this year. the author gave an exceptional amount of detail and it helps you picture the book perfectly. Neal Shusterman also made sounds in the book come out and make it seem like real life. If you ever not know what to read choose Unwind by: Neal Shusterman I promise you won't be dissapointed once you pick it up you won't be able to put it down.
                                                                                                                        -Skyla (period 1and 3) Mrs.spicer

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