Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Drums, girls and Dangerous Pie

               Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie was a very compelling story about a boy with leukemia. This story is about a boy named Steven who is thirteen years old and plays the drums every day. One morning Steven Harper's little brother Jeffery fell off his chair and hit his nose on the counter. His nose would not stop bleeding so they took him to the hospital. Then the doctors at the hospital say that he wouldn't stop bleeding because Jeffery had Leukemia. Steven is very sad that his younger brother could pass away. Steven starts to struggle in school because all he can think about is his little brothers sickness. Now all Steven cares about is drumming in the all Pennsylvania band.  
                This book was very interesting and was told from the point of view of Steven in first person. The writing expresses Steven's thoughts and feelings about his younger brother's sickness. Steven is kind of a nerdy kid with thick glasses and braces. He doesn't fit in with any of the col crowds at school. He is amazing at drumming and that is what most people know him for. The author does a good job of showing how Steven and his family feel about Jeffery's sickness from Steve's point of view. In the book Jeffry is not walking around like nothing is going on. He is always throwing up from the medicine he has to take and is not very happy. Steven always plays with Jeffery to cheer him up. Even though Jeff is only five he knows what is going on. The book is very enjoyable even though it can be very sad at times.

Leo C.   Spicer 1/3      

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