Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Have you ever had so many reasons why you should do the wrong thing that you just have to do it. Well that is how Hannah Baker feels in Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This is a realistic fiction book but it has some mystery aspects to it. Thirteen Reasons why is about a girl named Hannah baker who committed suicide to get away from the tough life she was having. But, no one knew her life was so rough for her to live in. Before taking the pills, she created two sets of thirteen tapes. Each set was identical. On each tape she painted a number 1 to 13 with dark blue nail polish and recorded one tape for each person who was responsible for her messy world. Hannah sent the full set of tapes to the first person on her list and told them to pass the tapes on after they have listened to them. The seond set of tapes was for someone very random who hasnt done anything to hurt Hannah in any way. When the people on Hannah's list receive these tapes, their lives start to change knowing what they did. Too bad life doesnt have a rewind button.

I really liked Thirteen Reasons Why because the author gave a lot of feeling and description with Hannah's thoughts. I felt like i was in Hannah's memories as she describes them. The book pulled me in and I didn't want to put the book down! Plus, each chapter leaves a cliff hanger so I always wonder what will happen next! Thirteen Reasons Why is my favorite book and I definitley think it is a good read!

Click for more information on this title

Jenna Elliott
Spicer 8-9

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