Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gym Candy By: Carl Deuker

Mick is a teenage boy that lives in Seattle, Washington and adores the sport of football. With his friends Drew, and Deshawn. After starting running back for all his teams except for his first year of High school. Mick has started lifting weights and taking vitamins. He hires a personal trainer named Peter. Mick wasn't getting results so Peter recommended something that would change his life forever D-Bol. As Mick pays for the expensive steroids he realizes over the summer he was separating from his friends and Kaylee the love of his life.
I loved this book because it was written really well. And it also had a lot of suspense in the story, like during games and during his life. Finally, and maybe the best of all is the ending and the sadness you get but the epilogue will tie it all together in a book your sure to remember. I would recommend this book to guys, but girls can also read it as well. Mick has a decision football or his own life. Read to find out.

Nick Baugh
Spicer periods 4 and 6

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