Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin by Josh Berk

          Do you want to read a non-graphic murder mystery? If yes then read The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin by Josh Berk. He is a fantastic author and his book is about a teenager, William Halpin just moved to Eastern Pennsylvania and is deaf. He soon falls to the bottom of the popularity chain and has a crush on a girl named Leigh Pennington. He meets a kid named Drew and soon both become friends. The way Drew and Will communicate is through instant-messaging. As Will's history teacher announces that they are going on a field trip, Pat, The star quarterback announces that he is hold 52 invitations to a party. When Will's class is at the field trip, the power shuts off and Pat is found dead. Who murdered Pat and why did they do it?
        I absolutely loved this book because it was realistic and suspenseful. I loved this book for its suspense because as Will and Drew go through the list of suspects, they all committed other crimes but did not kill Pat. The one person i least expected was the person who killed Pat.The way this book was realistic because it actually show events that happened in real life like love affairs between students and teachers or bus drivers caught with drugs. This book is my favorite mystery and I think you will love it to.

Sagar Desai
Periods 4&6
Ms. Spicer

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