Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hidden Talents by David Lubar

Do you like a great novel with tons of action and drama? I know I do for sure. This fantastic book is called Hidden Talents by David Lubar. In the beginning of the novel we meet Martin out main character. Martin gets kicked out of many schools for being disruptive and he would talk back to teachers in all of his previous schools. He is at the end of the road now, Martin's parents have no other choice then to send him to alternative school. Martin does not want to go to any school especially an alternative school filled with freaks and losers.
      Martin arrives at the school already with a bad impression on the principle by having smart gestures about the trashy alternative school and the people that are in it? Will Martin ever learn to shut his mouth or will he not be allowed to go to any school in the state? Read the book and find out more. I would describe Martin as an outgoing kid with a big ego. He can be kind at times but then again he can also be very rude to people. I can connect myself to Martin because I can be nice at times but then again I can be a total jerk at others. If you want to see what path Martin takes read the book to find out.     -Kevin W.

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