Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Soul Surfer By:Bethany Hamiliton

       Did you ever wonder what its like to be attacked by a huge shark? Well you can ask Bethany Hamiliton. Bethany loved to surf her whole life. Growing up she always did amazing with surfing. She has a best friend named Alana. They do everything together, encluding surfing. Bethany couldn't live without surfing. It was her life, her Passion. All she ever wanted was to be a major surfer. She enterd a lot of contests and won. One day Bethany was relaxing on her surf board in the middle of the ocean. As soon as she knew it her arm had been bit off by a shark. The water around them turned red. She had ben attacked by a shark. They were soon able to get Bethany to a hospital. She had lost a lot of blood. They were able to stop the bleeding. Her arm was now just a stub. This has changed Bethany's life. All she could think about is getting in the water again. She worked really hard and was able to soon get on the surf board again. She said she didn't need easy, she needed possible.

       In the book Soul Surfer  Bethany pushes her self to get better and do what she loves. She really did something great. Most of us would just stop after being attacked by a shark. Bethany kept going and didn't let it rule her life. She showed the world that nothing was impossible. Anyone can do anything and Bethany proved that.
Mary Kate Meagher

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