Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli

      Have you ever met someone so different you didn't know what to think?In the realistic fiction book ,Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli , there is a new girl at mica high , Arizona and everyone loves her because she is so different. She, the new girl even grabbed some special attention from Leo Borlock. the girls name was Stargirl, at least at that time it was. Stargirl liked to change her name all the time, she said names are like clothes and you shouldn't wear the same clothes all the time. This is one of the many things that made Stargirl different. Stargirl had a pet rat that she brought with her to school too. Everyone thought Stargirl was so cool but fame doesn't last forever and everyone turned on her pretty soon facing Leo in a choice. see Leo wanted to fit in , Stargirl stood out. Since everyone hated Stargirl, Leo started to think being with her wasn't a good idea so he decided to change her, Leo got Stargirl to be the very thing that could ruin her , Normal.
      I really enjoyed reading Stargirl by Jerry spinelli. I liked how the author portraid stargirl as a joyful sweet caring girl who just gets misunderstood because she is different. Another reason I liked the book Stargirl is because it shows how popularity doesn't matter , friends that care about you matter way more and I think that is something more people need to realize and is a really important message. the last reason I chose Strgirl as one of my favorite books is because the struggles between Leo and Stargirl's relationship is so well woven into the story that it feels so real almost as if its happening to you. I'm so glad my friends convinced me to read Stargirl.

                                                              Aileen D.
                                                                 Spicer 1/3

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