Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer

         This memoir is all about a bad mother that can't stop beating on her child. This poor child is nothing but a slave to his mother. He survives with little food, little clothing, sleeps in the basement, tortured by his mother and picked on at school. This child is not the only one in the house. His brothers are treated like royalty. Because his mother beats on him so much the rest of his family got used to it and it is normal for them. This child tries to go to his dad for help but every time his father steps in it only leads to an unhappy wife and makes the torture even worst.
         I loved this book because it kept me wanting to read more because of the magnificent detail that was giving. Even though the book has some heart breaking parts because of the torture this child is put through you won't be able to put it down. I also loved this book because it makes you think the unthinkable. You can start reading this great book now and open your heart to the life of Dave Pelzer!
By: Tyana A.
Ms. Spicer
Period 1 and 3

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