Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hatchet by: Gary Paulson

       If you were lost in the jungle alone, no help, little food and even a smaller chance of survival what would you do?well Brian awoken from a concussion asked himself how he got there, the last thing he remembered was in the plane with the pilot.Then it had hit him he had crashed, and Brian not being a survival specialist and only our age got scared out of his mind.he dealt through the first 3 days expecting to be found by then but he was still stranded.So his intelligence led him to creating a shelter witch didn't hold trough the storms he with lasted from staying stranded and lost for months.Finally Brian was found, alive and well.
        Throughout this reading i was always asking my self is he gonna make it, how much does he have to go through and are they even looking for him. But no matter what i was thinking Brian did the opposite an example was when he got rammed by the moose i thought he was gonna give up but he didn't. I think that part of him getting up and dusting himself off is a big reason to his survival. thats also why i liked the book because it was a page turner because i always was wondering when Brian was gonna give up.overall this is a book for anyone including you.

 Pat mahon

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