Tuesday, June 5, 2012

high heat carl deuker

              Cover imageHere comes the pitch....crack. High Heat is about a teen named Shane and he loves playing baseball. One day Shane was at his  baseball game and out of no where these two cops come and arrest Shane's dad in the stands. Come to find out that Shane's dad was accused of money laundering, So at school Shane got made fun of because of his dad. At baseball Shane got into a fight and almost got suspended for doing it. So one morning Shane's dad tells Shane that he's going to be late to his game, so he waits and waits and his dad never showed up. After Shane's game his coach gives him a ride home and he sees police and people standing on their lawn. Come to find out that his dad kills himself. this makes Shane do some life changing decisions if you want to know how Shane turns out read the book to find out.  

                   I like this book because it has amazing cliff hangers it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting you to read more! Also it is a just right book if you are interested in baseball and realistic fiction.  The one thing i did not expect was when Shane came home to his dad's death. Also in the book it said that his little sister was there and she heard the gun shot! I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. Read the book to keep up the status with Shane and hoe he's doing.

                                                     Khyree J-W
                                                   Spicer 8+9

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