Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Smile by Raina Telegmeier

     This fun graphic novel is filled with excitement. This book is told by the authors point of view and has a long story to tell. Raina Telegmeier tells her story from being at home, to school, to the dentist, and all of the other places she had to go. It's Raina's first year of High School and she has a lot coming for her. She is told she needs braces, along with falling in love with a boy she thinks she likes. Her friends make fun of her for liking someone younger than her, but she doesn't care. On the otherhand, she was walking home one night and knocked her two frot teeth out. It took her a very long time to recover, so in the mean while, she had fake tooth retainer, caps, and a whole lot more. Raina was tired from the dentist and the rest of the teeth problems, and finally it was over. She stopped liking the boy, letting go over her mean friends, and made new friends in her brand new school. Raina was finally happy.

      I really liked this graphic novel because it was fast-paced, fun, and easy to relate to (for me). Since it was only a graphic novel, each page was like a comic book and easy to read. The author put a lot of emotion when Raina got hurt, and it also had some humor making it a fun book. It was a lot easier to relate to because when I was younger I knocked my front teeth out falling down also. I didn't have to go through as much as Raina, but I sure felt the pain of the caps, the bare space between the teeth, and a whole lot more. I recommend this book to girls because it is told by a girls point of view making some things not appealing to boys. This was a great book and hope to read more by Raina Telegmeier!

Alexa F.
Spicer 1/3


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