Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Last Hope by Erin Hunter

               The end of the stars draws near. Three must become four to challenge the darkness that lasts forever. This prophecy was given to Jayfeather, medicine cat of ThunderClan, in The Last Hope, a fantasy novel by Erin Hunter. This book takes place in ThunderClan and is mostly in Jayfeather's point of view. When Jayfeather learns of this prophecy, he sets out to find the fourth cat, who will assist him, Lionblaze, and Dovewing in defeating the Dark Forest. The Dark forest is a group of cats who are pure evil. They are dead and when they die, they are sent to the Place of No Stars. Each cat has earned his/her place there by doing something pure evil. The Dark Forest's goal is to destroy the clans, and they are recruiting cats from the clans to do it. The main characters in this book are Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Dovewing, Firestar, and Ivypool. As the battle with the Dark Forest cats comes closer, these five cats must do all they can to be prepared for it.
            This book was the best book that I have ever read. It was filled with suspense, mystery, and kept me on the edge of my chair waiting for more. The author used great detail and figurative language to make the book more interesting. At some tragic scenes, the detail that the author used made it more tragic than it was supposed to be. I felt like I was in the story, and at some parts I wanted to throw the book out the window because the characters made the wrong decisions. Other times, I wanted to be one of the characters so I could experience the situation they were facing for myself. Overall, I thought this book was the best book I ever read. It was so action-packed, funny, romantic, tragic, and full of suspense.

Neha P


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