Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The book I chose as my favorite book of the year is If I Stay by Gayle Forman. The genre of this book starts off as realistic fiction but soon changes to fantasy. I know this because the main character Mia starts off as a normal girl with a loving family, as well as a younger brother named Teddy and a boyfriend named Adam. It changes to fantasy when something happens and she comes back as a ghost.  The story starts on a cold winter morning with a thin layer of snow covering the ground. Mia's family all piles into the car to go to their grandma. Mia's dad offers to have her drive but she passes on the opportunity of driving. Then BOOM! They get into a car crash. Thankfully mia survives, or so she thinks. She gets up and walks around. She finds her dad first, then her mom then Teddy. But then, she sees herself. Then she sees herself got to the hospital and more. She sees her grandparents and everything. Then she has a choice... Will she stay a ghost or will she get to heaven? 

I do recommend this book. I think that its great because it always leaves you on the edge of your seat and you would never want to put it down. Also, the detail is really good and you can picture everything that happens in it. lastly, it has a sequel called where she went. 
- Emily H

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