Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Hoot Carl Hiaasen

Image result for hoot book"Hoot" is a realistic fiction book written by Carl Hiaasen. I know the book is realistic fiction because it has events and characters that could happen in real life. The book starts you off by introducing the main character Roy. Roy has just moved from a town in Montana to Florida and Roy isn't to happy about what is going on. One day when Roy is riding the bus to school he sees a kid that looks to be about his age running through everyone's lawns barefoot. He soons meets the kid he tells him to call home Mullet Fingers because he can catch these fish called mullets with just his finger. Roy soons learns that Mullet Fingers has escaped from a juvenile detention center and that he is trying to protect a certain kind of owl. Mullet Fingers tells Roy that he is trying to protect rare owl called a ground owl. Ground owls dens are in the ground and a pancake house is about to be built over them illegally. Mullet fingers tells Roy he going to try and stop the construction be sabotaging the site. Roy thinks he has a better way. Will Roy and Mullet fingers stop the construction of the pancake house? What is Mullet fingers real name? You will have to read the book for yourself to find out.

I would recommend this book to any who likes a little action. There is a lot of it. Any one who likes mystery.Cause you don't know Mullet Finger name. Character development because the character grow.

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