Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Michael Vey: Fall of Hades

I am going to be reviewing Michael Vey: Fall of Hades. This book is action/ adventure, plus science fiction. The characters are frequently fighting and they got their powers from a machine that isn't scientifically possible. Michael and his friends are trying to save tuvalu from the Elgen. Michael and the electroclan all have special powers, that have to do with electricity. They are fighting against hatch, who is trying to use their powers for evil. They are trying to free the other electric children who were imprisoned by hatch after they betrayed them. Hatch runs the elgen, a powerful organization with an army, money, and they power the world's electricity. They use each of the islands for different purposes. One has a bunch of slaves, another is the main island, another has a prison and a power plant, and another one is where the Elgen keep a bunch of money. The electroclan goes to the prison and frees a bunch of people from tuvalu. They get an army and then have a huge battle. Then, while I don't want to ruin it for you.
I would say that you should read this book if you like action, suspense, and character development. Each of the characters and their relationships are heavily developed throughout the story. There are a bunch of twists that keep you on your seat. There are also amazing action scenes that you can visualize. I would recommend this book if you like percy jackson and harry potter because it has similar elements to those books. Even though this is my favorite, you should also read the other books in the series before, in order so you can understand the story. TImage result for michael vey: Fall of hadeshe other books are almost as good.

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