Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Mango Shaped Space

      The book I read was "A Mango-Shaped Space" by Wendy Mass. This book is realistic fiction because It is about a real girl who faces a real problem. The story is about a girl named Mia who has a disease called synesthesia which makes her see letters and numbers in color. In addition to this, she sees colors every time she hears a sound. Mia thought everyone saw this way and in 3rd grade found out no one else saw things like this. She keeps her strange ability a secret and everything was fine. But now the colored numbers are making her fail math and she starts to fail Spanish because of the colored letters so she has to tell her parents. They dont believe her and send her to a psychotherapist who claims she is lying to get attention. Mia has to prove she really does see colors and find a way around it to pass her class.

    I would recommend this book to anyone because it is very unique and unpredictable. I would have never guessed what the ending would be. It was a very interesting book that got you so into the story you would lose track of time and just want to keep reading it forever. You could feel the emotions of the characters and the ending was very emotional. The story was very relatable because Mia knew she was right but no one believed her and everyone has had that happen to them at some point. The whole story was overall an amazing book and by far my favorite this year. I would recommend this book to anyone.
-Megan S.

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