Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Life Strategies for Teens

          "Life Strategies for Teens," by Jay McGraw is a Realistic book because of how relatable the book is. The Narrator, Jay McGraw, talks about things that might have happened to you as a kid, or something you can relate to. For example, the Narrator might talk about the different types of people in your school and how they act. Jay McGraw makes these types of connections throughout the whole book. I feel that the Narrator does this to make people think of good times they had, and also to remember funny moments. I sure did remember a lot of things that happened to me when I read the book. It was one of my favorites, and I think that a lot of you would enjoy reading this book.

  I would recommend this book because it's really funny and relatable. I laughed a lot about what it was talking about because it was so true. I liked this book because of the funny pictures that made it easy to visualize what they were talking about. I also liked this book because it felt like the author was taking me back to when I was a little kid. Irs like the narrator knew what happened in school, and all the different types of people there were.  The last reason I liked this book was that the book really made you remember the good times you had. This book is great if you're having a bad day and need something to calm you down. I would recommend this book because it's really funny and makes you think of good times.

           Samantha Rosado

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