Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Monument 14 - Emmy Laybourne

     The book Monument 14 is science fiction since it contains things that are currently not scientifically possible. Also, it is the first book in a trilogy. The book is about a group of young elementary school kids and a group of high schoolers who got stuck in a huge hail storm. They went to seek shelter inside a superstore, where they realized that a lot more than a hailstorm happened. A dangerous amount of chemicals were released into the air and causing different people with different blood types to do different things. Some people didn't react at all, some people got severe blisters, and people with an O blood type turned into zombie-like savage creatures. Do you think the kids have what it takes to survive?
     I absolutely loved this book. It was one of those books where once you started reading, you didn't want to stop. Additionally, I was able to relate so well to all of the characters, since they were all in my age group. Furthermore, I loved how it was in first person point of view since I felt way more emersed in the story. I would highly recommend this book to any middle schoolers who are interested in science fiction. You won't regret it!

Student: Eli F.
Teacher: Spicer
Periods: 1+2

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