Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Rebel of The Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (1st book in the Trilogy)

     My book is a fantasy/dystopian book called, Rebel of The Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. It is a fantasy and dystopian book because there are ghouls, skinwalkers, djinni, more magical creatures, plus the government had an oppressive/unrealistic rule over the people. For example, skinwalkers are creatures that can change their skin to look like something else but end up killing and eating you. 
     In the desert nation of Miraji, mythical beasts still roam the remote areas and perform magic. In the small town of Dustwalk, Amani Al'Hiza wants to escape her boring town and go to the city in search of her aunt. She gets this chance when a troubling foreigner named Jin comes to their town. On the other hand in the city, a rebellion is rising against the Sultan by his own son....the Rebel Prince. When danger lurks, it forces Jin and Amani on the same path towards the Rebel camp. They go through trust issues, magical creature slaying, and death-defying experience before they actually find the camp. When they do find the camp, Amani discovers something that could help the rebellion, but she must come to terms with it first. This is a suspenseful middle eastern book that takes you to the heart of this Desert Nation and the secret it hides. 
     I really loved this book because there was suspense, a hint of romance, and really amazing characters. I really enjoyed the suspense because it had me turning each page of the book with excitement. One moment the soldiers come in walking through the town and next they are torturing someone because they didn't follow orders of the Sultan. To not know what will happen next scared me and put me on the edge of my seat. Soon after reading the summary, I could tell there was a hint of romance between Amani and Jin. You could expect the author put them together because they are going through the same problems and it makes it dramatic. You just wanted to yell at the book sometimes, "Say that you love each other already!" They create a bond stronger than friendship, creating some suspenseful moments later on in the story. Finally, I LOVED it because the character's had characteristics that attracted all readers. Amani is a rebel, tomboy, fighter, and very strong headed. Jin is rakish, mysterious, and very optimistic. This attracts all reader's and makes it very interesting. I recommend this to all middle school people who read YA fiction and fantasy lovers. This is a very good book and in addition, all the book's in the series are released. Remember, Amani Al'Hiza is......"More gunpowder than Girl..."
~Dhriti C. Pd. 1+2 Spicer

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