Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The 5th Wave

"The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey is a Science Fiction book, because of the high tech weapons and transportation used in the book. This is the first book of a 3-book series. This book is about a regular teenage girl, Cassie Sullivan, who has a younger brother named Sam, who she loves dearly. She must survive an alien invasion by herself and save her brother from the alien,s that look like humans, that took him, hostage, to train. The aliens plan to wipe the world in five waves. The first wave was an Electromagnetic Pulse(EMP), that shut down all electrical power in the world. The second wave was the tsunamis, that drowned at least 1/3 of the population. The third wave was the bird flu, a highly contagious and deadly disease, which took Cassie's Mom. The 5th wave evolves in the book into a plot twist that will occur. Cassie must be careful of who she trusts because it's very hard to trust nearly anyone in her world.

Image result for the 5th wave bookThis book is so adventurous and so exciting. There are plenty of times where I'm eager to turn the page to find out more, and where I'm on the edge of my seat. The several plot twists are very captivating, and it really hooks you in. For example, Cassie trusted Evan Walker, who saved her from a bullet in her leg and healed her, but he turned out to be who Cassie didn't think he could be. I also love Cassie's determination and how her family is extremely important to her, such as how she's determined to save her brother from the fort he's taken, hostage. Lastly, I like how the character of Cassie shows that girls are more than what they're expected to be, such as how Cassie is strong enough to hunt and survive all by herself just so she could get her brother. I love how the author described the scenes and characters in incredible detail, which made the book more realistic. I recommend this book to reader 10-14, who love exciting journeys.

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