Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Ready Player One by: Ernest Cline

Image result for ready player one book cover     The book that I just finished is titled Ready Player One. The genre is Science Fiction, because of the OASIS video game console . In 2045, the real world is a harsh place. The world is completely broken down. This is why the only time Wade Watts truly feels alive is when he escapes to the OASIS, a virtual universe where most of humanity spends their days. The OASIS combines real life aspects with video game aspects as well. The OASIS got popular very quickly. This is how James Halliday got most of his fame. Unfortunately, Halliday got very sick and died. However, before he died, he sent out a video explaining that he hid three keys (copper, jade, and crystal) throughout the OASIS, and that if someone found all three very well hidden keys, and cleared all of the gates for that key, then they will have found the "Easter Egg" and inherit his vast fortune and the OASIS itself. Of course everyone loved the idea. Everyone immediately started to look for the keys, but no one could find them. They are called "Gunter's". Halliday has very clever hints that are really hard to decipher. Wade figures out that the clues Halliday has given all relate to old video games riddles and secrets. That causes him to be the first one to find a key. Soon after, a group called the Sixers tracks Wade's location and reveals the key's location. The Sixers, led by Nolan Sorento, are really bad. They will stop at nothing to win and get all of that power. Along the way, Wade meets and makes a lot of friends and foes, including Daito, Shoto, Aech, Art3mis (pronounces Artemis), and Sorento. Will the Sixers win all the money and power, or will Wade be able to unlock unlock the final gate before them and use the fortune for good instead of evil? Read the book to find out. 
     Ready Player One is definitely one of the best books that I have read this year. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action, adventure, video games, and science fiction. One reason why I liked this book is that it has all sorts of video game history (mostly from the 1980's because of Halliday's love of the 80's). To add on, every avatar in the OASIS has their own special outfits, abilities, magical items, weapons, vehicles, etc. making them very unique. Finally, this book leaves you on the edge of your seat. It never gets boring. I never wanted to put the book down. It is an amazing book that everyone should read.

                                          Frank S.

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