Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Assassin: by Anna Myers

My book is called Assassin by Anna Myers. The genre of this book is historical fiction because it is about President Lincoln's killer. Assassin is about the events that lead up to the assassination of President Lincoln. The main characters are Arabella(Bella), Jonh Wilkes Booth, and Mary Todd Lincoln.  Mary Todd Lincoln is an actress and her assistant seamstress is Arabella(Bella). As  John Wilkes Booth sets his eyes on Bella, he attempts to persuade her to help him kidnap President Lincoln.
If the kidnapping plan fails, John Wilkes Booth will stop at nothing even if it means harming Bella in the process.
In my opinion, I like this book because it gives alternate points of view of Lincolns assassination. In the book, each chapter title is named after the character's point of view that it is going to be told from. Also, another reason why I like the book is, when a chapter is told from John Wilkes Booths point of view, it shows how he really feels. The final reason I like this book is, it's a good twist on a major story/event that really impacted American history.  I would recommend this book to people who like historical fiction or like knowing different points of a historical event.

                                          Pat L.   Spicer pds.3/4

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