Tuesday, June 12, 2018


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During this past school year, I've read a plethora of books, but a special book stood out to me. Cinder by Marissa Meyer is a science fiction book with very futuristic technology. The main character is a cyborg named Cinder. She was severely hurt and doctors used robotic parts to fix her up. There is a plague going around that has swooped over the country of New Beijing. With the death tolls so high, medical staff and personnel are working around the clock to find a cure. To fuel research for a cure, a draft had been placed by the royal family that calls for people that are healthy to test the newest prototype for a cure. Soon enough, one of Cinder's family members falls ill with the plague. This takes a toll on Cinder's mental health, and to make things worse, she gets drafted to help find a cure. Though Cinder is unwilling, she has no choice. But, when she contracts the plague, the doctors find out something unique about Cinder, something that others could only dream of.
I would stringly recommend this book because it kept me on the edge of my seat. Every page turn leaves you wanting more. Marissa Meyer did an amazing job painting a picture in my mind. The details used were so vivid and understandable. Lastly, there is a lot of action and suspense, which makes this a real page-turner. Overall, I would recommend this book to any reader who likes futuristic books and likes to read shorter series.

- Sophia C.

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