Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Remember Me Always by: Renee Collins

   The book I chose to do is Remember Me Always by: Renee Collins.  The genre of this book is romance and mystery.  I know this because it involves a girl trying to find out who this "mystery boy" is and how he has to do with her life.  During the "quest" she starts to catch feelings for him.  Shelby struggles with horrible anxiety, after an accident she had in the past.  She is constantly between doctors and therapists who are trying to get her mind erased.  If the memories don't get erased, she will remember what had happened, in which her mom does not want her to do.  But what she doesn't know is that not only is she erasing the accident, but her mom is also erasing a boy who she used to have a relationship with.  One day, this mystery boy shows up and claims to know Shelby.  Shelby believes that he could be a hallucination, but she wants to know more, so she keeps him a secret from her mom, best friend, and her doctors.  Every day, he gives her more and more information about their past.  Telling her where they had their first date, how they met, and how he knows her and what they used to be.  Although at first, she does not believe him, she grows to become more and more intrigued.  This leads to possible chaos.  Is he really what she thinks he is?  Is he real?  Is it safe to keep it a secret from everyone?  Is he worth her time?  Find out in Remember Me Always by: Renee Collins.
    Remember Me Always always continued to keep my interest.  The questions above kept my mind thinking, and made me want to know more.  Whenever I had any time to read, I would pick up this book and read a few pages.  This book involved a mystery I wanted to solve and a relationship I wanted to know more about.  I was constantly asking myself, "Why did he do that?" or "What just happened?"  As I got further and further into this book, it got more intense, including parts, when she told her family about him; when she began to trust him more; and when she began to put all the puzzle pieces together.  I would recommend this book to someone who does not like to read because this book will want to make you want to read more.  It was filled with questions that you want to answer.  Finally, I give this book a 5/5 rating, and I totally recommend it!

Mikayla H.

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