Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls by, Lynn Wiengarter

See the source imageI choose the book Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls as my favorite book, written by Lynn Wiengarten. The book  is realistic fiction, the book is realistic fiction because in the book the main character, June tries to figure out why her ex-best friend, Delia would commit suicide. Suicide is a very real and problematic thing that happens everyday, somewhere. June is alone all winter break, she does nothing but drive and think. When school starts again, it is announced on the first day back that Delia has commit suicide. June is shocked, Delia is the last person that would want to end her own life, at least from what June knew. June wanted to figure out the reason she would do what she did. Also June is the back of her mind doesn't believe it. June goes to far extents to figure out what happened or if she can find her alive. June slowly starts to lose hope that she will find her alive. she has to try and think like Delia to re-track her steps and contacts just about everyone that she ever knew. Because of one night, their friendship was ruined and it would never be that same from that night on. What happened that one night to ruin it all? Will June find out what happened? Will June even, find her alive? You have to read the book to find out what happens next.
                I 100% recommend this book to anyone who loves a good dark mystery.  Just a little warning: This book, once you start reading it, you will not want to put it down for one second. But an actual warning: This book does contain inappropriate language and actions. But if you can look past that, you can tell the author has a passion for writing and puts effort into her writing. I hope you consider this book to read! I can almost promise that you will love this book. This book contains excitement, mystery, love, romance, damage, and it totally unforgettable.

Gloria R. Spicer 7/8

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