Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Zombies vs Unicorns

Zombies vs Unicorns by Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black
Martina Diao pd 1-2 Spicer

Zombies Vs. Unicorns is a collection of mostly fantasy short stories about zombies and/or unicorns edited by Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black. This book is written because of a debate between the two authors: Which is better, the zombie or the unicorn? Justine thinks that zombies are the awesome walking dead while unicorns are gross, fussy creatures that fart rainbows. Holly, on the other hand, believes that unicorns are magical creatures that have the ability to heal and thinks of zombies as disgusting creatures that shamble and carry diseases. Some well-known authors joined Justine's Team Zombie while others joined Holly's Team Unicorn. The authors, not including Justine and Holly, each wrote their own unique short story including zombies or unicorns. Also, at the beginning of each story, Justine and Holly argue about which creature is better.   

There are a variety of reasons why I like this book. It is extremely fun to read different authors' views of zombies and unicorns. For example, Carrie Ryan sees zombies as the creepy, neutral dead that never stops walking. Cassandra Clare, who is also on Team Zombie, thinks very differently. In her story, zombies are the same as the living humans (the only difference is that they are dead and have). Also, since I personally likes zombie books, I love reading different stories including them. I love mostly all the settings in this book, especially the zombie ones. I like to picture myself in a place where a zombie apocalypse is and imagine what I would do in such situations. This is a very enjoyable book for me and I'm sure many others will like it too.


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