Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Wicked History Hitler: by Sean Stewart


     The book I chose to do my blog on was A Wicked History Hitler: by Sean Stewart. The Genre of this book is non-fiction and the person talked about the most is Adolf Hitler. The setting of the book takes place in Germany during WWI and WWII. The book starts off during the 1st world war and also gives info on other problems going on in the world which leads to Hitlers horrible thoughts on racism and haterid. The rest of the book talks about Hitler and how he planed to take over the world. Hitler was the most evil of the 20th century and by far the most interesting so to learn more read A Wicked History Hitler.
     I liked this book because it is interesting, it is easy to  and, gives lots of information. I think that it is interesting because it is written not just about Hitler but its also about other things going on in the time period. Since it gives back ground on the time period it makes it easer to comprehend. Another thing that makes it easer to comprehend is the pictures that they have every once and a while because it shows you how it was in the 20th century. This book gives lots of information on Hitler, but it can get a little confusing so the best thing to do is reread the information to get the idea of the page.            

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