Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Fourth Stall by Chris Rylander

This book's genre is realistic fiction. Some of the characters in this book Mac and Vince who are the owners of a buissness in the fourth stall in their school in the boys bathroom. Mac and Vince help others with their daily problems in the fourth stall. You might be thinking that the toilet in in there but it was not working so it got taken out and the school did not have enough money to get a new one. So as  was saying Mac and Vince set up a helping company in the fourth stall of the boy bathroom to help people for money. They handle many problems. They are very nice people and always try to understand the person's problem and most people respect them both.  Then they find out that they have to to deal with staples because a kid named Fred asked for help at Mac and Vince's company in the fourth stall which had to deal with a big bully named Staples.  He had a gang of kids that were bad and kicked or dropped out of school. After Vince noticed that Fred was working for Staples he calls Staples into his office. Then Mac speaks to Staples in a very calm way to change his behavior and just get along with everybody and stop trying to change other people. Does Staples change or does he stay the same? Read the book to find out.

Some likes or dislikes I had about this books were interesting. I had more likes than dislikes because throughout the whole book I was always entertained and always had different moods as I read. It felt like I was actually there just watching everything happen with some descriptive language. I also could feel what the other person feeling as people had different emotions. For example, when Fred made a puppy face when Mac and Vice were angry at him the descriptive language it made me feel like I was actually there. I did not have any dislikes about the book because every single part I read it had action, suspense, and entertainment. There was no boring part so that is another reason that I did not feel like it had any dislikes. I assure you who ever read this book has loved and I am sure that if you read you will like this book.

Aneesh M. pd.4-6

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