Thursday, June 19, 2014

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Being Graced is a blessing, or a curse.  Being Graced is having a special ability, whether it be being able to speak any language (a good Grace) or from being able to write words backwards (a lame Grace).  All Gracelings are given to the King of their region, and are used to the King's advantage.  Luckily, the protagonist of this story has an amazing Grace.  Katsa is Graced with the skill of killing.  Her uncle is the King of the Middluns, and he uses Katsa as the Kingdom's hit man.  Katsa becomes tired of doing the King's dirty work, and decides to rebel.  Soon, she meets another Graced person, Prince Po.  He is Graced with the skill of fighting, and takes Katsa on in a hand on combat.  His intention is not to hurt her, and Katsa is confused by this.  She runs away, but the two eventually meet up again, and become friends.  They help each other with their Graces, but soon Katsa realizes that Po's Grace is not fighting, it is mind reading.  Po explains that his Grace is not mind reading, but it is perception.  He sense things before it actually happens.  When something suspicious pops up in one of the other kingdoms, Lady Katsa and Prince Po must work together and fix this arising problem.
There are a lot of reasons I chose this book, and many reasons to why I like it.  This book is a fantasy book, and has a lot of cool additions to it.  Just imagine being able to have a special power!  I thought that this was a great idea for a book, and it was written very well.  It had some adventure features, and a bit of romance, but it was really good.  The author made the story really interesting.  This is why I like this story.

Amber Murray
Ms. Spicer period 1/2

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