Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ironman by Chris Crutcher

               The best book I have read this year is called Ironman by Chris Crutcher. This book is about seventeen-year-old Beauregard (Bo) Brewster. Abused by his father at a young age, they had fought for years until Bo's parents had divorced. This built-up anger led to him becoming an amazing triathlete, but also led to angry outbursts towards his teachers. This was especially towards Mr. Redmond, who treats Bo just like his father. To stay in school, Bo had to take an anger management class run by Chinese cowboy Mr. Nak. Although he had a couple of setbacks, like his dad giving the bike he was saving up for to one of his rivals, the support from his anger management group and his determination to show his dad and Mr. Redmond that he was not a quitter fueled Bo into training for the big triathlon that was coming up in a few months.
                I absolutely loved this book for a couple of reasons. The book went really deep into the characters' thoughts, on how they perceived everything that happens. This gets you thinking real hard about the characters' feelings as you read the book. Bo is also relatable to me as when I was a bit younger I used to have anger issues. I was able to relate myself to Bo and compared our problems. I also loved the lesson I had learned as I read the book. Throughout the book the story teaches you that you can overcome almost any problem if you put some effort into it, but if you quit then nothing will change or possibly make it worse. Although this book has some touchy subjects, this deep read will leave you wanting more.

Ron T.   Spicer 1/2

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